It could be as simple as hosting a school disco to raise funds! Making moves and supporting seriously ill and injured children has never been easier.
Once you’ve created your school page, you can send out invites to your school community to join your team and raise funds together.

Sign Up!
Sign up your school and receive your unique team page for all your students and community to join!

Raise Funds!
Encourage your students and community to share their efforts with their friends and family so they can sponsor their page. You will see your team impact sky rocket in no time!

Get Dancing!
Start the lesson with a dance break! Or get the whole school involved with a dance disco. However you make your move, we will be here to support you.
"Our favourite part of Dance for Sick Kids was the joy that dance brings and how that energy can make a difference to the lives of others. It was very inclusive for all ages and abilities."
- Simone, Corpus Christi Primary School