Lilly M

Time Danced:


I'm dancing to make a difference for sick kids!

When a child is injured, or diagnosed with a serious illness, it affects the whole family. Lives can be turned upside down, and it puts families under enormous pressure. For many families, it can feel like it’s impossible to hold it together.

That’s why I’m joining Ronald McDonald House Charities to Dance for Sick Kids this year.

I’ll be making a move every day for 7 days, to raise money that will help families stay in a home-away-from-home, access emotional and financial support, and more. From day one in the hospital and for as long as it takes, your help ensures that families don’t have to navigate the challenges of illness or injury alone.

Please support me by making a tax-deductible donation to my challenge. Your generosity will make sure that Ronald McDonald House Charities can support even more families with a seriously ill or injured child when they need it most.

My Achievements

Uploaded a profile picture

Shared page

First donation

Raised one night

Raised two nights

Raised three nights

50% of goal reached

100% of goal reached

My Dance Diary

My Why…

Sunday 14th Apr
My brother has just been diagnosed with his third cancer diagnosis and he is only 15.  He spends a lot of time at Ronald McDonald House Monash.  So much so that he says it feels like home.  Please donate to support others just like my brother.

Thanks to all the generous people who’ve donated to my challenge.


Julie & Brendan

Go Lilly!! we are all cheering you on - you are beautiful, strong, fearless and courageous Love to you all xo


Leaps And Bounds

Go Lilly! We’re right behind you! Xx


Jayne Pini

Lilly, you dance with all the love in your heart and it shines brightly as you glow ✨️. Thinking of you and your family.


Hair New York

Well done Lilly So proud of you


Tony Wolfe

Good on you Lily for supporting Ethan in this way. This journey has certainly had a huge impact on your life as well and for you to offer help like this shows amazing generosity.


Asha, Kris & Lachie.

We are wishing Ethan the very best and we are thinking of you all. Big shout out to Lilly from your special friend Asha x


Kim And Shelby

Good luck Lilly, Wonderful job you are doing xxxx


Troy Jones


Paula Mccombe

Well done Lilly you are making a big difference ❤️


Ethan Monck

Thank you for supporting me ❤️


Matched By Generous Donors


Kerryne West

Lilly, You are a beautiful dancer. You are amazing!!


Kylie Smith

Congratulations on raising money for such a worthy cause.


Lauren Manley

Kicking goals!! Well done Lilly xx


Rim Family

Amazing effort Lilly


Kelly Cameron

Amazing effort Lilly!


Heidi Mcivor

Keep dancing Lilly! You’re an absolute star. Love the McIvors xo


Matched By Generous Donors


Margaret And Reg Monck


Kathy Mccullagh

Well done Lily


Michelle Glover

Well done Lilly 🙌


Tanya Reed

Such a beautiful thing to do Lilly. Have fun dancing ✨


Carolyn Monck

Well done Lill. It's a great cause. Love Aunty Carolyn


Connolly Julie

Well done Lilly, Luv Aunty Julie


Mindy Monck


Rebecca Briggs

Dance your little big hear out Lilly



Have a blast Lilly, say hi to Ethan


Lilly & Ethan



Good on you Lilly!


Lisa Sundstrom


Covino Melissa


Van Zelst Family

Good on you Lilly.


Matched By Generous Donors


Melinda Clark


Linda Byles


Judi Mcmahon

Good luck Lilly. You are amazing ❤️


Lauren Munro


Kate Bicknell

You will smash this Lilly! If you need company on a particular day I’m sure Harper will jump in and support you. Sending love and strength to you all! ❤️



Well done Lilly, Mindy you should be so proud xo


Matthew Monck

Good luck Lilly Uncle Matthew Auntie Caroline Jessica & Lauren


Aunty Tamara

So proud of you beautiful lady love your aunty and uncle ❤️



What a lovely gesture Lilly.



You are amazing Lilly 😘


Harper Bicknell

You got this Lilly! xxx


Charlie Goodwin



April Jones

I’m broke but I love you guys so I will help no matter what because u guys deserve the world

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How Your Donation Helps

A global research team* worked with RMHC to evaluate the impact of our House Program on families around the world. The following is a summary of those findings**.

Donate Now!


* The global team of researchers was drawn from leading universities, including the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF), George Washington University, the University of Chicago, as well as from top medical centres in Hong Kong; Sydney, Australia; the United Kingdom; Buenos Aires, Argentina; Cincinnati, U.S.; and Toronto, Canada.

** Findings taken from RMHC Impact Research – the name for a suite of studies on the impact of RMHC around the world. The summaries provided here provide a snapshot of the findings from each of the key Ronald McDonald House Impact studies.

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If you have any questions about Dance for Sick Kids or need a hand with anything, please reach out. We're here to help!